Professional Experience

Creative Development Coordinator- Working as a creative development coordinator, I am able to encourage, assist, and help find employment for adults with special needs. Tasks include: helping a person express themselves the best way they can; assisting in ideas for trying out different skill sets; finding ways for the person to make money in their desired field. This is called “Customized Employment”. In order to get my clients placed, I need to do a lot of cold calling, showing up and convincing small businesses let the participant try out tasks in their business. This requires ability to develop relationships, which helps for long term business transactions between businesses and participants. This also allows me to visit again with more participants. This position is better described in conversation.

Costume Assistant/ Coordinator- As a costume assistant I have worked on major motion pictures where I have been in charge of shopping, returns, assisting to create inspiration boards, fittings, continuity, some mending, etc. As costume coordinator, I kept the budget in control, made relationships with companies (couture, international, et al..) and fashion designers to use their product for free. I did this by calling/emailing these clients to convince them why I needed these products for free. I was in charge of all rentals (and returns of rentals); took care of weekly cost reports, EP cards for designer and assistant designer, and made sure everyone was delivered their petty cash on time, and that the department was paid on time by filling out time cards for the department. Qualifications for this position include Microsoft Office programs, Google Media, keeping a tight schedule and excellent professional relationships. 

Costume Designer/ Wardrobe Stylist- Since 2005 I have been wardrobe styling for bands. I have styled music videos and photo shoots. I have also designed t-shirts and full costumes for bands on tour. I’ve also styled commercials and advertising photo shoots. The way of getting this position was a lot of selling personal skill sets to clients. 

Public Relations/ Management- I have worked with up & coming bands in need of publicity. When I began doing this, prior to the internet, I would send CDs to record labels, booking agents, and venues. As time has progressed, I was able to access information online and call and email. I sent to music blogs as a promotional effort to get new musicians noticed. I also help with writing bios, making wikipedia pages, submitting music to sources like Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, etc. I have designed artwork (for merchandise. I’ve booked shows/ tours, managed social media. I’ve done this for other artists as well - cartoonists, actors. What I enjoy most about doing this sort of work are the relationships I’ve developed. 

Visual Assistant- Featured window displays for Vintage Shop in Philadelphia. Assisted artists such as Giant Dwarf, In-Formal Formals, & Dressed by Lola to create new designs, initiate new ideas, & bring color theory to their shops. Worked with Haley Trikes to contribute ideas, woodworking, metal working, painting, etc. 

Freelance- Social Media for independent Artists/small businesses (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs). Creating websites for companies/artists, contributing to blogs (fashion/music/culture). Writing grants for artists/organizations. Astrologist for the Spirit Newspaper,, and The Secret Admirer. I had my own small company called “Albumtease”, where I hand drew albums of customers’ choice on T Shirts, and sold these as one of a kind pieces of art/replica interpretation 

Artist Mediums- Self taught seamstress. I’ve shown this work by hand sewing shirts for bands, making clothing sold in boutiques, and being commissioned to make clothing for friends, bands, and clients. In 2006 I was commissioned to assist an artist by making a costume for a spirit animal at a notable gallery in Philadelphia. I also am a writer and enjoy writing poetry as well as writing bios and grants for people. I am a painter; I use watercolor on paper to create impressionistic views on crowded areas. I was the featured artist in February 2013, this being my first solo show, at the world’s only Pizza Museum. This was a pizza themed art show, with one painting of mine given  to and hanging in the museum. My second solo show was at Brewerytown Beats in Philadelphia, where I showed a year long project of a project titled #celebridoozy. I make handmade Album T Shirts for sale on website. I am also a stand up comedian, and I have performed for small art gallery spaces as well as sold out music venues.

Creative Development Coordinator

2017 - Present via Community Integrated Services

Costume Assistant/ Coordinator

2008 Costume Assistant “The Answer Man”

2008 Wardrobe Production Assistant “Transformers 2”

2009 Wardrobe Production Assistant “Law Abiding Citizen”

2009/10 Costume Assistant “The Last Airbender”

2012 Costume Coordinator “Dead Man Down”

2012/13 Costume Coordinator “Paranoia”

2015 Costume Assistant Black Cherry Burlesque

2016 Costume Assistant for Audi Commercial

2016 Campaign shoot for Target

2016 Costume Assistant to Heidi Bivens for Benefit Cosmetics Advertising Campaign 

2016 PECO commercial

2016 PA Lottery Commercial

Costume Designer/ Wardrobe Stylist

2005  Designed photo shoot for band Dr. Dog

2008  Helped design/create costumes for a video for band Make A Rising

2009/13 Designed/created costumes for band Man Man

2009/10 Co-creator of costumes for Vaudevillians Mummers Brigade

2010 Assistant Designer for video for band mewithoutYou

2010 Make-up and wardrobe Design for video for Big Shommy Love

2010 Assistant Designer for photo shoot for photographer Steve Belkowitz

2010 Assistant Designer for photo shoot for photographer Dominic Episcopo

2012 Assistant Designer for Parx Casino commercial 

2014 Assistant Designer for Dressed By Lola

2021 Designed and created from scratch costume for actor/comedian Steve Little

Public Relations/ Management

2004/06 Partial manager/tour manager/ PR Dr. Dog

2006 PR Blood Feathers

2007 PR Golden Boots

2012/13 Management/ PR/ booking Andrew Collberg

2014 PR Artist Jesse Moynihann

2014 PR Tennis System

Visual Assistant

2009/11 Retrospect Vintage Boutique

2011/13 Giant Dwarf

2014/15 Dressed By Lola

2016 Haley Trikes

Artistic History

1996/ present 



Writer commissioned for grants and bios, fictional writer of short stories and poetry


Self taught seamstress, making self motivated and commissioned works. Paintings, Drawings, Freelance writing

2017 - present

Creative Business Specialist : Assisting adult artists with special needs to be integrated into the workforce, whether in their own business or another. 


Part of the artist collective “Avant Gentlemen’s Lodge”. Put on plays, built a stage, hosted equinox & solstice parties. In charge of visual decoration for space when used as a venue.


Assisted artist Walter Benjamin Smith, sewing Huichol Indian garb for a spirit animal sculpture for Seraphin Gallery, Philadelphia


Stand up Comedian. I’ve performed in small artist galleries and larger music venues, opening directly before such headlining bands as Free Energy. 

February 2013 featured artist; my first solo show at Pizza Brain, the world’s only pizza museum and restaurant in Philadelphia. 


Assisted performance artist Geneva Jacuzzi in building set for performance at Night Gallery,LA.

July 2016 

Featured artist solo show at Brewerytown Beats, titled “#celebridoozy”

2016 - present

Creator/Owner of Albumtease; hand drawn Album T Shirts


Hand Model for Mural Arts Brochure, Philadelphia; hand model for Benefit Cosmetics, NY, NY

December 2016

Contributed piece to 1026 Art Auction

Other Skills

Excellent communication skills

TIme management


Outstanding Organizational Skills

Meeting deadlines

Ability to cold call and make connections

Networking to develop and maintain professional relationships

Social Media platforms